100% Free English to Bangla (Bengali) dictionary. No annoying popup advertisement.
It has embedded Bangla font which doesn't require any additional Bangla feature on your device. Its just smooth and pain-less. The vocabulary is constantly being updated. It has both online and offline options, choose whatever option you wish. Online option will give you access to tons of words with detailed meaning.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">100%免费英语孟加拉语(孟加拉)的字典。没有恼人的弹出式广告。
它嵌入字体孟加拉不需要在设备上的任何其他孟加拉功能。它只是光滑,疼痛少。词汇不断被更新。它有在线和离线选项,选择任何选项,你的愿望。在线选项会给你访问吨详细含义的单词。</div> <div class="show-more-end">